Our Chorus
Gainesville Harmony Show Chorus has been entertaining audiences in north-central Florida since 1974. We have been an award-winning a cappella chorus since the beginning, having earned the first place recognition in the small chorus division (under 30 members) eleven times. In 2016 we qualified to compete in the International Harmony Classic competition of Sweet Adelines International and finished in fifth place among small choruses in the world.
We sing a variety of musical styles, including show tunes, pop, country, gospel, and of course the traditional barbershop tunes. We meet each week to rehearse, learn new tunes, and hone our musical skills under the direction of co-directors Chanda Morris and Jenny Winsor. Several times each year we bring in master coaches to help us fine-tune our skills and stay current with musical trends.
Every Thursday night the chorus meets to rehearse, learn new songs, and perfect their individual voices into a four-part harmony blend. Although they all strive for the perfect blend and matching sound, as individuals they are quite diverse. Ranging in age from 20 to 70+, most have or had full-time careers. Members come from a wide range of occupations (teachers, bankers, administrators, computer whizzes, graduate students, sales, secretarial, research scientists, medical professionals, social workers, librarians and many more). Hobbies range from karate to quilting and include avid readers, walkers, traveling, gardening, birding, tai chi, aerobics, golf and swimming.
Our members are committed to singing and demonstrate this commitment in annual performances (Christmas shows, regional competitions and community outreach). We sing regularly at the Thomas Center Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Spring Arts Festival, Ronald McDonald House, The Village at Gainesville, and PACE Center for Girls. An ensemble of our members performs regularly at the naturalization ceremonies at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Gainesville. The new citizens always enjoy our performances.
New members are always welcome and encouraged to be a part of this dynamic group.
Starting at 7:00pm every Thursday
Grace Presbyterian Church
3146 NW 13th St
Gainesville, Fl 32609
If interested please contact our Membership Coordinator at: [email protected].
Also, please click this link to fill out the Rehearsal Visitor Form.